Let’s take a look at an example
Very basic understanding of your favorite Quarto supported language and IDE.
Learn about Quarto at https://quarto.org/
Learn about Quarto at https://quarto.org/
But first let’s pray to the live code gods.
More about website navidation options: https://quarto.org/docs/websites/website-navigation.html
title: "Deepsha Menghani"
image: images/linkedinpic.jpg
template: jolla
image-width: 20em
image-shape: round
I am a Sr. Data Scientist at Microsoft. I have an extensive background working with varied data sets and using advanced analytics to enable business stakeholders to make informed decisions.
I recently expanded my skill set to include topics like Quarto, tidymodels, working in cross-language R/Python environment using reticulate, and data visualizations using animation and interactivity. I love learning new things constantly and sharing my knowledge with others in a digestible manner.
title: "Deepsha Menghani"
image: images/linkedinpic.jpg
template: jolla
image-width: 20em
image-shape: round
- icon: mastodon
text: Mastodon
href: https://fosstodon.org/@deepsha
- icon: twitter
text: Twitter
href: https://twitter.com/bigdatadipper
- icon: linkedin
text: LinkedIn
href: www.linkedin.com/in/deepshamenghani
- icon: github
text: Github
href: https://github.com/deepshamenghani/
- icon: envelope
text: Contact me
href: mailto:menghani.deepsha@gmail.com
More icons at: https://icons.getbootstrap.com/
BYOR (Bring Your Own Resume) or create a personalized resume with Quarto markdown
## Quarto blog - Data visualizations - Animation and Interactivity
:::: columns
::: {.column width="55%"}
Description 1
::: {.column width="5%"}
::: {.column width="40%"}
Image 1
## Shiny Flex Dashboard - Sales forecasting and anomaly detection
:::: columns
::: {.column width="40%"}
Image 2
::: {.column width="5%"}
::: {.column width="55%"}
Description 2
title: "Deepsha Menghani"
- href: index.qmd
text: Home
- href: projects.qmd
text: Projects
- href: resume.qmd
text: Resume
- icon: mastodon
href: https://fosstodon.org/@deepsha
- icon: twitter
href: https://twitter.com/bigdatadipper
- icon: linkedin
href: www.linkedin.com/in/deepshamenghani
- icon: github
href: https://github.com/deepshamenghani/
More html theme options: https://quarto.org/docs/output-formats/html-themes.html
More html theme options: https://quarto.org/docs/output-formats/html-themes.html
More code tools options here: https://quarto.org/docs/output-formats/html-code.html
Quarto Pub sites are publicly visible, can be no larger than 100 MB and have a soft limit of 10 GB of bandwidth per month.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bigdatadipper
Fediverse: https://fosstodon.org/@deepsha
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deepshamenghani/
Portfolio: https://deepshamenghani.quarto.pub/dmenghani/