In this post, I will analyse the #TidyTuesday FeederWatch dataset about 30 Years of Standardized Bird Counts at Supplementary Feeding Stations in North America.
FeederWatch is a place-based citizen science program that asks participants to identify and count the birds that visit the area around their home, particularly focused around supplementary feeding stations (i.e., bird feeders).
You can find my github code repository here.
1 Load libraries
2 Load data
birdfeeder_checklist_2021 <- readr::read_csv('')
3 Top sighted bird data
4 Plot using Plotly
bird_plot <- plot_geo(birdfeeder_US_top,
lat = ~latitude,
lon = ~longitude,
# color = ~state_code,
marker = list(
size = 3,
opacity = 0.3,
color = "yellow"
showlegend = FALSE
) %>%
add_trace(text = ~state_code,
hoverinfo = 'text') %>%
layout(geo = list(
scope = 'usa'
, showland = TRUE
, showsubunits = FALSE
, landcolor = ('black')),
title = list(text = str_glue("Bird sightings across the US for {top_sighted_bird} \n Nov, 2020 to Apr, 2021"), y = 0.95, x = 0.5, xanchor = 'center', yanchor = 'top'),
subtitle = "dd",
font = list(size = 13, color = "purple")
) %>%
style(hoverlabel = list(font = list(size=20))) %>%
# config(displayModeBar = FALSE) %>%
# add_annotations(x = 0.75, y=0.66, text = str_glue("Highest sightings\nPA"), ax = 5, ay = -80, font = list(size = 14)) %>%
showarrow = F,
x = 0.1,
text = str_glue("Data source: FeederWatch"),
font = list(color = '#949494',
size = 14)
) %>%
showarrow = F,
x = 0.1,
text = str_glue("FeederWatch is a place-based citizen science program that asks participants \nto identify and count the birds that visit the area around their home. "),
font = list(color = '#949494',
size = 12)